under the Special Summary Revision Program 2025 in Uttarakhand, the Election Commission of India has published the final electoral roll based on the eligibility date of January 1, 2025. Additional Chief Electoral Officer Dr. Vijay Kumar Jogdande, while addressing a press conference at the Media Center in the Secretariat, informed that the final electoral roll published on January 6, 2025, includes 8,429,459 voters, comprising 4,364,667 male voters, 4,064,488 female voters, and 304 third-gender voters.

The Additional Chief Electoral Officer stated that the state currently has 89,812 service voters, which include 87,103 male and 2,709 female service voters. He further informed that Uttarakhand has a total of 11,733 polling stations, of which 3,462 are in urban areas and 8,271 in rural areas.

Dr. Jogdande provided detailed information about the number of voters in various age groups under the Special Summary Revision Program 2025 based on the eligibility date of January 1, 2025. According to the data:

18–19 age group: 144,400 voters

20–29 age group: 1,627,026 voters

30–39 age group: 2,267,477 voters (highest)

40–49 age group: 1,779,879 voters

50–59 age group: 1,233,140 voters

60–69 age group: 780,598 voters

70–79 age group: 434,870 voters

80 years and above: 162,069 voters

He also stated that the state currently has 83,819 specially-abled voters, including 51,877 males, 31,938 females, and 4 third-gender voters. Additionally, there are 68,112 voters aged above 85 years, comprising 38,205 males, 27,905 females, and 2 third-gender voters.

Dr. Jogdande emphasized that any citizen turning 18 years old on April 1, July 1, or October 1 can apply to include their name in the voter list by submitting Form 6.

On this occasion, Deputy Chief Electoral Officers Kishan Singh Negi, Mukta Mishra, and Assistant Chief Electoral Officer Mastudas were also present.